Monday, 29 October 2012

Top Gear

Attentive followers of this blog will have noticed that it tends to display a less than reverential approach to gear in general and gear reviews in particular.
They will be surprised, therefore, to hear that I am frequently (  ok, four times and counting)  offered items to test and review on the blog. No shit !
My response (to date) has been along the lines of "Have you actually read the blog ? If so get back to me and we can talk turkey"  None of the "Internet Marketing Consultants" has taken the matter any further.
Which is a pity. I wouldn't be averse to trying out a £400 jacket or a titanium whistle, as long as my artistic integrity wasn't compromised.

But then, as our first guest said in the intro to the wistful "Screw you, we're from Texas" previously on this blog..
"The trouble with irony is - not everyone gets it".  Amen.


  1. I can't see the fascination for gear... except to say that I do need a new pair of boots and if anybody were to offer me some for test, I'd be sure to say how good they were and put up a link.

    Thanks in anticipation (In case any marketing execs are reading this)

    You couldn't be fairly quick about this could you by the way? Y'know, catch the Christmas rush...

    1. Aye fine, Mike. Just steam right in and try to poach my carefully cultivated marketing exec audience.

      P.S. You forgot to give your size :-)

  2. Someone needs to tune Ray's guitar - bloody painful!
    But the Willburys - ah - such class!
    Ta for that, OM

    Mike takes size 45 boots - he prefers full leather jobs with no Gore-Tex - a slim last if possible. When they don't fit, he can pass them on to a needy gear tester. I know just such a chap, as it happens.
    (He's also happy to shoulder the heavy burden of furrin trips too)

    1. It's called "Texas Tuning" , Alan. You wouldn't understand. Not being a musician. Or a Texan.

      Your own ability to "monetise" is, of course, legendary. I had heard you used to wear that day-glo green Velez for a bet.
