Friday, 21 February 2014

Walk 21/02/14


Today I went for a walk in the Ochil Hills

It was a bit windy and then it came on rain

I enjoyed it.

It was about 6 miles long and 800 ft high.

Thank you


Welcome to the first of our Value Range of blog posts – designed for those of you whose modern hectic lifestyle doesn’t allow sufficient time to work out what the words mean, peer at the anti-photographs, and boogie on down to the music clips on a normal blog.


  1. Did you do it clockwise or anti-clockwise, or was it linear, or some other shape? I'm not really interested, I just thought I'd make a comment to show general support.

    1. Wow ! We've never had an actual General on the blog before.
      But seriously (no really), while the number of readers can be depressing, I am fortified and encouraged by the quality and loyalty thereof.
      Hmm. perhaps i could introduce a loyalty card scheme where readers could earn points or air-miles. Or path-miles - sorry imagination going off on one now.

  2. Great stuff. (Thought i better keep my comment short).

  3. Where's the music-clip? I didn't believe you could, let alone would!

    1. In these times of austerity, even the Devil's Music has to suffer.
      Good to see you back ommenting and blogging - what do you do with all these review copy blues cds when you're finsished with them :-)

  4. Grateful for the brief resume: Currently on holiday in the "grim up north". Internet's patchy. And I have a hangover every morning.

    1. I thought you would have found the ultimate hangover cure by now - stay pissed ?

  5. Thank you as well. As I'm getting older, as opposed to maturing, I am putting more store into that old saying "manners maketh man". So thank you again. And Omar Khayyám didn't need music video clips.

    1. Some might say "Music maketh Man"
      But yes - manners is an "oldie" thing. One of my pet hates of the moment is someone making a purchase in a shop while talking into their portable telephone. It's not smart - it's not multitasking, it's just downright rude and displays a total contempt for the person serving them. Ah. Glad Ii got that off my chest. Thanks for getting me started,Alen.
