Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Mo Blues


I’ve been a bit busy lately, what with the Bilderberg thing and all, and I feel I have been neglecting you. So, would you settle for some more of the devil’s music while I work up some details of my plan that Christine Lagarde has asked for ?




  1. That Chritine Lagarde, she was on the phone to me only last night, invited me to spend some time with her on her yacht. I said no. I told her: "We've already quaffed deep of the cup of love — c'est fini."

    You've excelled yourself with the tunes. Cheers.

  2. Yeah, she can be a right nuisance. Almost as bad as that Greta Garbo tap tap tapping at the window.
    She asked me for some advice to help sort out her housekeeping money before her old man found out.
